Coastal Transition Zones under Natural and Human Pressures

Science Infotainment

Here we provide scientific information in the form of a fact checking quiz, Spotlights that are added by digital maps and information material and information-rich webinars. Science in a nutshell highlight important topics in the field of pollution research relevant to the development of the Coastal Pollution Toolbox.

Plastic Mythbusters: Fact checking claims on plastic pollution

Plastic Mythbusters aims at catalysing wider discussions of popular plastics related myths which regularly feature in media, public and policy discussions about the topic. Our aim is to increase the scientific evidence, enhance wider understanding on the topic and create awareness of the challenges in combating this complex problem, especially when scientific evidence is still emerging.

Check your #PlasticPollution knowledge

Urban Air Quality @Chaos Computer Club: A Modeling System from emissions to exposure

Alexander Stephan _mr Jb

Johannes Bieser and Martin Ramacher, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Photo by Alexander Stephan)

High performance computing (HPC) in environmental science is usually associated with research on climate change, investigating the impact of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) over the next century. Besides these GHGs, there are many other gases and aerosolos in the atmosphere, which have immediate impact on human health: air pollutants.

The numerical pollution modelers Johannes Bieser and Martin Ramacher (Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon) introduce basic principles and share personal knowledge in the field of numerical pollution modelling, covering the entire pathway from emissions, transport, transformation and human exposure. The talk is enriched with practical, technical and partially political examples to demonstrate the difficulties scientist face during their quest to improve air quality for everyone.

Available from CCC Media under CC BY 4.0 license.

StoryMaps on traditional and emerging pollution issues

Here we provide scientific information in the form of Spotlights that are added by digital maps and information material. Spotlights highlight important topics in the field of pollution research relevant to the development of the Coastal Pollution Toolbox.

Webinars and information products

Project activity of the e-shape project , with kind contribution by CNR Institute on Atmospheric Pollution, Italy and project partners.