Berlin Statement on Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions

Berlin Statement - Sign-up for support from partners


The Berlin Statement is the outcome of an international workshop with representatives of the European Commission, the Arctic Council, the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), environmental specimen banks, and data centers, as well as scientists from various international research institutions.

The statement addresses urgent chemical pollution issues in the polar regions and provides recommendations for improving screening, monitoring, risk assessment, research cooperation, and open data sharing to provide environmental policy makers and chemicals management decision-makers with relevant and reliable contaminant data to better protect the polar environments.

Ebinghaus, Ralf; Barbaro, Elena; Bengtson Nash, Susan; de Avila, Cristina; de Wit, Cynthia; Dulio, Valéria; Felden, Janine; Franco, Antonio; Gandrass, Jürgen; Grotti, Marco; Herata, Heike; Hughes, Kevin; Jartun, Morten; Joerss, Hanna; Kallenborn, Roland; Koschorreck, Jan; Lohmann, Rainer; Wang, Zhanyun; MacLeod, Matthew; Pugh, Rebacca; Rauert, Caren; Alygizakis, Nikiforos ; Sühring, Roxana; Vorkamp, Katrin; Xie, Zhiyong; Küster, Anette (2023) Berlin Statement on Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions. Available at SSRN,

Read the Berlin Statement published in SSRN [ external link ]

Sign-up for supporting the Berlin Statement

We invite you to sign up for, and appreciate that you support the objectives of and ambitions formulated in the '2023 Berlin Statement'. By filling in your personal details, you agree to be listed as a Statement Supporter on the website of the Coastal Pollution Toolbox.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lead author of the Statement or (for technical questions)

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